Author Archives: digiratz

How much time do the workouts take and how often will I have to workout?

All of the workouts are designed to be efficient for the busy individual. They shouldn’t take any longer than 30 minutes, and you will be doing three strength training workouts per week along with two cardio workouts per week. One of these cardio workouts will come after your strength workout, however, so in total the […]

Categories: FAQ

Am I too young?

This program is safe for anyone who is over the age of 16. If you are younger than this, it is best to start off with a very basic bodyweight program until your body is finished growing before you begin lifting weights.

Categories: FAQ

Is this program designed for men or women?

This program is designed for both men and women, so regardless of your gender you can still take part in it. Workouts for each gender are very similar with the only difference for men being that they may lift more weight overall due to their natural strength levels. Women should fear not. Using this program […]

Categories: FAQ